Purpose Led, Performance Driven

They say that the garden is a magical place. They also say that we should care for our health while we are young. The best way to do that is gardening. Gardening is low impact exercise that keeps you moving. It’s great for stamina, flexibility, mood, and strength. It improves your diet by providing poison-free food. In moderation, gardening boosts your serotonin, and vit D production. People raised on farms have lower rates of Crohn’s disease, asthma, and allergies because of their exposure to beneficial microbes in the air and soil. Gardening work improves mindfulness and sharpens mental acuity. The satisfaction and joy from watching your plants grow increases positivity and your mental wellbeing. Studies show that gardening reduces your risk of dementia and depression in dementia patients. For me the best part is that it builds community. Spending time in the garden with my family and friends sharing what we grow and having meals together makes for a more unified people and that is probably the most-healthiest thing of all.

Rev. Dr. Jordan, NA.D. CMT, PhD






The purpose of this project is to provide children with opportunities to flourish by reuniting families, addressing illness, and healing addictions / unwanted behaviors such that those in recovery for any reason are an asset to themselves and communities. Our success rate is in the 80 percentiles, and we know we could do better by using our advanced techniques outlined in this project. This project supports free and healthy living; freedom to worship, freedom to flourish. The first campaign is marketing our unique Anointing Oils. Simultaneously, we are developing the board of trustees, and a place to house this project in Robeson County, NC which will take approximately a minimum of 50 acres of land, equipment, and buildings.  

Our Vision

A world where shaming and guilt are transformed into self-love - where people are strong enough to develop healthy productive relationships [a] with self and others thereby eliminating the need for self-medicating through unwanted behaviors, and or substance abuse.  

Our Mission

In a family type village setting, we provide community and support, business opportunities, education, housing, and healing services, for onsite patients and for the public.  

The Problem

Both the industrial and information revolutions have generated a consumer culture which establishes the absence of self-love resulting in an alarming increase in chronic mental and physical illness. The absence of intergenerational communal living , and the continuing loss of family farms robs us of knowledge, wisdom, and integrity. This leads to a loss of self-regulation and thereby creates desire. Desire has one look outside of self for satisfaction and can lead to unwanted behaviors. Further the current medical and wellness industries

fail to provide a solution to eliminate the cause of illness.

Bio-quantum physics finds the root cause and locates solutions to eliminate root cause - it is an FDA approved young science which has not yet been embraced by the medical community. Finally, mainstream addiction recovery services provide sustainable results of 18-20%. Our work has proven effective at an 80+% sustainable recovery rate .

The Soulution

Matt 19:14

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

By providing access to support, accurate and complete information, and effective products and services (to include healing DNA), market choices are transformed supporting complete and sustainable Wellbeing. [b] Our comprehensive holistic approach transforms the capacity for growth and healing. It includes spiritual / consciousness raising , dense nutrition, on-going research, farming, community with quasi-communal living, shared labor, business and product development, advocacy and healing services, spa type services, and education for residents and the public. This approach conforms to the CDC findings for healthy living [i] [ii]. We have done this with remarkable success in the past and now wish to expand our methods and apply them to a greater population on a faith-based working bio-dynamic farm. Robeson County in southeastern NC is our location of choice because its culture supports natural living and has maintained much of the elder wisdom which we will preserve and published [c]


Build out the Board of Trustees, then acquire suitable land[d], build out facilities, hire and train support staff, acquire and install furniture and fixtures, begin teaching apprentices and general public, open teaching luxury healing spa, develop housing infra-structure, hire a newly graduated farmer, acquire and install farm equipment, hire farm labor, develop and install for ages 3+ learning institutions (a church with a teaching commercial kitchen, a research center, and a Waldorf school with arts centers, and indoor and outdoor sports facilities) for residents and general public , using child development as the main focus.


Grants, donors, school tuition, housing rental and land leasing for shared housing, small mobile and tiny homes , food cooperatives, wellness products, tourism, classes, retreats, spa retreat services, and cottage industries such as egg production, dress making, shoe and appliance repair, cheese making, bakery etc will provide for project needs.

The Program

This project is based on an integrous lifestyle. It significantly enhances Wellbeing and makes sustainable healing possible for children, individuals, and their communities. It often leads to Being medication free. With integrity, we offer our work to those who wish to embrace a sustainable natural lifestyle as God intended us to live. We provide those who are sober, clean, serious people with an opportunity to transform the biological and cultural norms of a consumer culture thereby eliminating the need to self-medicate. Those who wish to engage in our 2-year on-site program will be eligible to apply for this opportunity which includes: housing,  education, artist development, post-sober treatment (to include alternative methods), dirt farming, animal husbandry, 12 step programs, employment opportunities, childcare, Waldorf method education grades K-12, skills development ie. carpentry, plumbing, electrical, farming, clerical, childcare, cooking, manufacturing and distribution, event planning / fundraising, and more plus an agri-tourism exchange program with our affiliate bio-dynamic farm in Kenya.

Program Benefits
Improved health striving to be medication free ·     understanding of one's purpose ·  harmony, self-love, resilience, integrity ·     sustainable productive land use ·     new market development / income ·     reduced crime ·     increased local area real estate value ·     broader-community involvement ·     tax benefits for donators ·     increased skilled labor force ·     reduced burden on society ·     lifelong community ·     earth healing ·     jobs ·     increased intelligence[iii] 

The Market

The marketplace is ripe for this project given the current need for a secure food source, increased homelessness, and the increasing addiction and suicide rates. Intentional Living Communities have become popular both for therapeutic reasons and as an alternative lifestyle. With necessity and desire, especially after the covid lockdown experience and new bio-warfare pandemic issue becoming a reality, the market is ready for this project. And there is a growing trend to have a sustainable lifestyle.


Competition & Competitive Advantage

Our competitors are the medical and wellness industries. Our competitive advantage is our unique state-of-the-art technology, combined with ancient healing methods, tested, and proven effective. This enhances healing while slowing, and often reversing, the aging process. We work only with those who engage in healing through faith and gratitude, including heads-of-state projects’ staff.


Rev. Dr. C. Jordan, N.D., Ph.D., CMT founder, Pres. and Chair of the Executive Board of Trustees

A world traveler, she is a program and product developer. Dr. Jordan comes from a long line of healers, cooks, farmers, contractors, mechanics, dress makers, and entrepreneurs and, after a serious misdiagnosis, has been researching wellness issues since 1966. Dr. Jordan graduated with high honors in all degrees achieving a BS in Accounting, Psychology, and Child Education from CUNY, and a BS, a Masters, Doctorate and PhD in Naturology – thesis was Eugenics.

She was offered full scholarship with paid living expenses to Pratt University and American University. Informal studies include bio-dynamic farming, Chinese medicine and more. Dr. Jordan has been a consultant to prestigious medical centers to develop Integrated Wellness Centers in Hospitals, Duke University, and was invited by the Presidents of 3 West African countries to install alternative medical programs in the Rep of Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Ghana.

Bill Burnes
Native of Fairmont, a world traveler and businessman who develops projects to uplift the underserved, and especially for children. He created a school inside City College in NY raising a $10 mil annual budget. He is well known in the artist entertainment industry for his contribution to the advancement of artist accomplishments to include the geniuses of the tech world. He contributed approximately $50k to build the Fairmont playground.


Humans are pack animals requiring community to achieve and maintain good mental health and have purposeful productivity. DSLC is creating the reality of Wellbeing as a Fundamental Way of Being with those who see the vision of a healed planet. Funders would leave a legacy of a spiritual and state of the art technological Healing and a Research Institute. It would be an organization to expand Wellness health for future generations. Supporters would be amongst those who believe as we do that Wellbeing health is a fundamental right of humanity and is sustainable well into senior life.


Financial Projections Summary

The current land and farm market prices are showing signs of slowing. We plan to relocate to Fairmont as soon as we are funded for the acquisition of a 100 acres (we found the perfect place) and begin gardening with a small flock of ducks, and outpatient program rollout.

This would take immediate funding of $700 - $1mil to purchase of the land and begin build-out for management and clerical staff's housing and training, further fund raising, and outpatient services. We have enough office equipment to start for 4-5 staff members, products (essential oil blends) for sales and for healing treatment services, and group and private healing services.

Full project funding would facilitate purchase of equipment, farm skilled labor, building materials, furnishings, office equipment, and farm equipment, looks like a cost estimate of US$10 million. Once we have secured the location, we anticipate it would take 1 year or less from the date of full funding to establish the farm, church, school, and full staff as we now have available many of the skilled management staff. And we will begin this project and build it out little by little with what funds are available but first we intend to acquire the 100 acres and be debt free.


It is derived from resident housing, in and out patient services, retreat and day spa wellness services, educational programs, healing animals’ programs, bio-dynamic farm, food, manufacturing and distribution of other healing products, and through collaboration we will conduct on-and-off-site fundraising with foundations and other contributors, continued market and healing research, engage professional services, and build an organization for future generations.

We strive for and plan to be debt free.


APPENDICES Current products used and sold in ministry:
a.               001 – foot oil for increasing immunity

b.              002 face love oil anti-aging for skin; balances chakras (system energy) – also used to focus, clear trauma and in meditation

c.   003 eye oil anti-aging; anti-pathogen; anti-C

d.             004 lymph oil used as an after bath over the body – not face stimulates lymph & circ; anti-C; anti-depress; antipathogen; aphrodisiac; clears skin

e.             09-002 dog ears clears infection

f.               005 face mask softens; cleans pores; drawing agent; increases collagen production / tightens skin

g.              006 hair oil restores and stops loss
h.              007 sanitizer heals infections; builds immune – fast acting

i.                008 thieves anti-pathogen; sanitizer
j.                009 bye polar bear balances neurochemistry

k.               010 lung opens airways; anti-viral and bacterial; circ; blood sugar regulator; antispasmodic

l.                011 C-gone addresses cause and results of huge toxic loads

m.             012 vag-dryness used daily, inserted into vaginal cavity it soothes and protects tissue from ruptures.
n.               013 itchy blisters – poison ivy, stops itching in about 1 hour, dries up blisters, may require multiple applications

o.              014 pain free Liga Tend Musc – with proper physical therapy, Liga supports ligament & tendon restoration.
p.              015 Skin Mites with high doses of vit C, a clean diet, food-grade diatomaceous earth taken internally once a day, and topical benzidine, this will clear in two weeks. Apply every 4- 6 hours or more.

[a] https://youtu.be/Fh8Cvz0IDLc?si=muFbVZTjpjQ26V6R

[b] we use products and services that come from ancient family traditions, Dr. Jordan’s self-developed products and services, and modern science.

[c] Currently we have the life story of Bill Burnes from the Patterson-Burnes farm on Pleasant Hope Rd, Fairmont. We plan to make this a docu-drama series as there
are great lessons and wisdom in his story with so many twists and turns from his Great Great Grandfather to Bill’s accomplishments running away to NY at age 13 with $1.57 in his pocket, building schools (programs for the underserved K-8) inside of City College in Harlem NY, entertainment Star Management such as Casandra Wilson and Johnny Mathis, donating approximately $50K for the playground installation in Fairmont, working with Dr. King and the Kings in West Africa, and so much more. Mr. Burnes is a member of our advisory board and
has been invited to join the executive board of trustees as the executive
education trustee.

[d] Gardens will be close to housing and other buildings – see:


other notes

[i]            Immediate health risks of a lack of self-love and education are: •        high cholesterol •        high blood pressure (studies of 5- to 17-year-olds showed 70% had risk factors for cardiovascular disease) •        pre-diabetes •        bone and joint problems •        sleep apnea •        social and psychological problems, and •        poor self-esteem Long-term health effects of obesity on youth and adult populations: •        heart disease •        type 2 diabetes •        stroke •        cancer, and •        osteoarthritis http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm

[ii] … healthy lifestyle… including healthy eating and physical activity. The dietary and physical activity behaviors of children and adolescents are influenced by many sectors of society, including families, communities, schools, childcare settings, medical care providers, faith-based institutions, government agencies, the media, and the food and beverage industries, and entertainment industries. Schools play a particularly critical role by establishing a safe and supportive environment with policies and practices that support healthy behaviors. Schools also provide opportunities for students to learn about and practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm

 [iii] Studies show that most children are on the genius scale, before being formally educated, that is before attending school. Waldorf education methods do the opposite – it expands creativity and knowledge. Further, being in nature increases the capacity for learning.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our work. We invite you to participate to make a better world for you and me, our communities, and especially our children.